"Ah, but your friend here is only mostly dead....mostly dead is still somewhat alive."
The powerbook funeral has been delayed, due wholly to the exquisitely aligned gears in Wood's brain, constantly whirring whilst I lay comatose, even with the light on.
After I worked to save lives at the local hospital of last resort, we took the ailing #2 wife to the local Mac store (recently CLOSED on Saturdays-damn them), so then off to the local Apple Store at the local Mall on the Strip because we just had to have a diagnosis. While the boy and I tried to find a quiet place to hang out (hah) the local Genius at the local Genius bar blew the bellows of bad news and and asked what did Wood need her for and they both heard "hard drive" and well, into the black bag with the #2 wife and home we go. All the while Wood's just chattering away, his mouth going almost as fast as his exquisite brain, "Techno techno techno techno five hundred dollars techno techno only three hundred dollars installed techno techno" (imagine chipmunk speed). The man is panicked about his data.
We get home, have dinner, mope around, put the boy to bed, lounge around a bit, then I go off to bed. I seem to recall him climbing in beside me...but it may be I just dreamed it.
Turns out after I go to bed he happens to look in his bag and AHA! the #2 wife is softly blinking in her little black, um, bag. Rapture! Blazing hope! Fervent desire! (where can I get one of those blinky things?) He opens his powerbook and there's his desktop. Voy-la, as they say in France. So he scurries to his desk in the bedroom to back up, hook up, do whatever it is his exquisite brain tells him he must do to avoid the pain, even turning on the bedroom light on the ceiling fan. He tells me this in the morning, how he was frantic to get things hooked up, backed up etc etc, all the while darting glances over his shoulder at my comatose form, worried that I might wake at any moment. What a thoughtful obsessive man.
It was successful, at any rate. He cobbled together some kind of life support for the seductress and she does not die at this time. And I know just where to look for him...
Hm. That's okay. You're buying me a new on in April.
P.S. Thanks for the links back to my crib, but you need to remember the www part, otherwise it's a broken link.
Love you, soon to be buying me a new laptop woman.
Christmas is coming!! But I can wait 'till April. Me first!
Fredlake and Val want to get me pear stuff. I told them to conspire with you. Email him. Wood should be able to give you his email address.
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