General unhappiness and discontent at home and about.
Wood's laptop is in critical condition, and he seems to be coming down with whatever the Boy is getting over virus-wise.
No joy when dinner is Cracklin' Oat Bran. (But we've established that it is a popular food group in the household.) 'Course, I had the pleasure of having V8 juice and graham crackers for dinner, since I was scrubbed through dinner and forgot to put my peanut butter away last week and it got stolen and I already ate the tuna and tomato soup earlier this week (My locker is a veritable corner grocery of non-perishable emegency food items) and I haven't made a work-food shopping dash yet. Sigh. No one to blame but myself. Where's that darn goat when you need one....and just how does one "scape" it?
Went to AZ to see the folks and Pooh. All seem to be fine. Ma won at Scrabble, and Flip held her own pretty well, aside from the math errors, she made some good plays. Dad enjoyed watching Master and Commander (with subtitles on), and we made it through Shawshank redemption with some wincing and apologies (sorry Ma, I forgot it was so,um raw). Great stories, both. Made it home with seed pods from the Mexican bird-of-paradise, a few leaves from the christmas cactus, and plenty of roots of bearded iris (corms, I think they're called, gnarly shrimpy shaped things). Something to look forward to come spring.
So, anyway, let's go work in the garden, or prepare for the zombie apocolypse, whichever pleases you most.
Would creosote survive and thrive in the moonscape of your backyard?
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