Autism classroom smack-down!
The Boy came home yesterday with livid bruises on his forehead and a strap-like bruise across his throat. Not the first time for bruises, but the first time this school year and pretty darn mean-looking.
I talked to his teacher this morning, and it turns out that the classroom lost an aide to injury so they've been working short (sounds like he was solo yesterday), and the scenario was this: somebody laughed until they snorted and the snorting upset the Boy and he started hitting himself and that caused more laughing/snorting which caused more hitting ad nauseum. The poor teacher, I can just see him refereeing two or more 100+ lb. no-common-sense-no-self-control-outta-control-nearly-men. He's got a pair to come back for year two.
We discussed the possibility of taking the Boy out for at least one period to a regular classroom, accompanied by an aide, in order to decrease his exposure to inappropriate behaviors (duh, ya think?). So, we'll see how it goes. It's never easy.
Poor Flip. Seems the bank won't let a 14year-old have an account unless they are getting paychecks or something. Hmmm...I suppose I could start cutting her checks for her work here at home....hmmm. She was bumming, but a trip to Dick Blick's helps take the sting out of being too young still.
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