Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Well, hush my mouth. Sitting out on the patio yesterday evening, we saw a hummingbird. guess I'll leave the feeder out a little longer.

Flip was in a good mood yesterday. She watched The Boy while we took our working but stinky gas stove (future post) to the recyclers. Wanna know what a gas stove is worth when you take it to be recycled? $1.40. Yup. I told Wood I'd buy him a drink next time I'm not on call (um...several days from now). Hah. Need to find a cheap place with cheap specials. Sounds like we're having Black Label in the kitchen. (Remember generic label beer?).

At any rate, Flip was singing along with the music and Wood says "What a great kid." So I figure a great kid like that deserves brownies, which reminds me of Wood's birthday last month...

It's his birthday and it's my day off, so I made brownies for his birthday. The Boy was very helpful, (he likes to get the eggs and will occasionally mix the batter and helps lick the spoon. He just hovers at times right at my elbow, so eager to help, it's hard to say get lost, so you just gotta let him help.) The brownies come out of the oven, all hot and shiny, and Hovering Boy starts putting the candy Happy Birthday letters on, just loving it. Over too soon. He sees the candles on the counter (a mere token number, no way in hell am I putting 36 candles on a square pan of brownies) and I tell him, sure, put the candles on. So he proceeds with great deliberation to put candles around the brownies and boop! we're done. So...Flip wanders by a little later and says "where are the candles?" "What?" We look at the brownies and sure enough, the three-inch candles that Hovering Boy put in with such great care are now half-inch little stumpy things. Seems brownies hot out of the oven will indeed melt your average birthday candle within minutes. Within the brownies. I'll bet Wood is one of the few lucky individuals who has ever had premium wax-filled brownies for his birthday. Maybe it'll catch on...but you gotta sing real fast!


At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, like that. You find funny things where I don't and I love you for that.


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