Monday, October 10, 2005

well, not really.

But, since Wood and Flip are SO insistent that I have a voice and (gasp) things to say that might be interesting, I caved.
Hey, it might be fun. I learn things about Flip and Wood and Rachie by reading their sites, mayhaps mine might reveal as well.

As for the title, well, it's just something I do a lot of, and, well, okay. It's a dumb title. I do have definite opinions about how many bath towels constitute a load (6 max-to leave room for sufficient agitation) and which detergent works best (Tide, with a shot of Zout), but I am not the queen of clean.

I merely do the things that need to get done, and think. Wood says "what are you thinking about?", and I have to stop and, well, think. My folks would call it daydreaming or woolgathering (stupid, that, just leave it blow on the wind. Sheep make more). I look at the yard and see the possibilities for future landscaping or the way the wind piles the pine needles here but not there and how much wind does it take to move a pile of needles and how efficient it is to burn the needles versus filling twenty plastic bags that don't decompose but Las Vegas frowns on burning things in your yard (but will often frown and look away if your neighbors trust you and you stand guard with the garden hose). See?

So, here it is October. The hummingbirds that we have enjoyed so much this summer seem to have moved on. Haven't seen any for a couple of weeks. I'll put the feeders away til spring. Probably ought to bring the coleus in before it gets too cold. The pineapple, too. Wonder if it'll ever bloom/fruit? It's two years old I go....

Okay well, there's an introduction to the blog. Stay tuned for the Laundry Load of the Day.

Welcome to my little corner of this little house in this not-so-little town.


At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Where's the nakey pictures?

And don't forget: you got tagged.

Thanks honey.


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