Load of the day: towels.
Had some wonderful rains here. (Flip and I saw a ruby-throated hummingbird at the feeder right in the middle of a downpour. Sweet!)
It takes a couple of hours for the city smell to wash away and the desert smell to come out, but when that creosote fragrance comes washing in the door, it brings peace to your soul. I can just picture, even here in the middle of the ugly city, the desert around Tucson, with saguaro, creosote (aka greasewood) ocotillo, cholla and any number of scrubby grasses, their colors washed vivid by the rain, set on wet earth, stretching to thank the low clouds draping the hills. I guess it's a sign of a desert-raised mind that a low cloudy day is such a thing of wonder. I don't remember thinking a low cloudy day in Tacoma was such a great thing, (perhaps I was always comparing to Tucson...) but I certainly recall that a sunny day was a cause for celebration ("I can't come into work today, the sun is shining....").
Pooh's 25 now. Had her B-day yesterday. She had her fifth birthday when I was in Basic Training. I was 25.
Fascinating perspective, this age. I talk to my mom, who was concerns about her mom (my granny), and concerns about her own retirement etc, and then I talk to Pooh, who is just starting out in her adult life, and here I am inbetween. I can remember 25 pretty well, and 50 is pretty close, and my mom is looking at 70, and I can picture this thread, this blood-thread, woman-thread, this connection stretching foreward and back to infinity (or just around the corner...) and it just makes me wonder. Makes me feel small to think of all those before me (did they have this moment? did they mark it somehow? would I be able to find it) and how they coped in so many different situations that I will never be exposed to. And what about Pooh, and Flip? Will their future be significantly different? Will they too be mothers and have these thoughts? In twenty years can I look at Flip and say "I told you so. I wasn't making it up."?
Well, anyway.
I love you!!
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